Influence of Home and School Related Factors in Mitigating Reading Disabilities among Class Four Learners in Tharaka-Nithi County, Kenya
Mbiro, Linet D.S.
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Kenyatta University
Reading is one of the basic skills that children should master during their first school
years. The skills enable them to assimilate new knowledge and skills in future. This study
was aimed at establishing the extent to which home and school related factors contribute
to mitigating reading disabilities in primary schools in Kenya. It investigated the extent to
which teachers are aware of the characteristics of reading disabilities (RD). Simple
random sampling was used to select 4 primary schools from each zone, making a total of
8 schools. From each school, 4 learners were randomly selected from the list of those
with RD. A total of 32 learners was sampled for the study. 8 teachers who are in charge
of class four were also included in the study, making a total of 16 teachers. 32 Parents of
learners with RD were included as well. Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS)
was used to analyze quantitative data from the questionnaires for learners and teachers.
Qualitative data was analyzed thematically in line with the study objectives. The study
established that in Tharaka Nithi County, learners with a reading disability demonstrated
difficulties in reading skills that were unexpected in relation to age, cognitive ability,
quantity and quality of instruction and intervention. The study further established that
teachers were aware of and employed the various methods of teaching reading in English
but do not provide basic prerequisite activities that would prepare and aid learners when
reading English. The study established that in primary schools in Tharaka Nithi, the
teachers made adjustments to their instructions, the environment, curriculum topics and
materials to accommodate students‟ diversity and to help all students achieve objectives.
Based on the findings of this study, the researcher concludes that; the teachers were able
to identify some of the characteristics of the learners with reading disabilities in primary
schools. The study further concludes that the parents too had a role to play in the learning
of the children with learning disabilities as the success of these learners was greatly
determined by the parent‟s actions, as well as their active involvement in their learning
activities as well as school activities. the researcher made the following
recommendations; The ministry of education, through the KICD should revise the teacher
training curriculum, so as to include the methods of identifying the learners with reading
disabilities as well as other emerging special needs. The Kenyan Government through
Kenya institute of special education should also organize on job trainings and seminars
for the teachers already in practice on matters pertaining to the reading disabilities, to
equip all the teachers with the relevant adequate knowledge to handle the learners. The
schools should be given adequate funding to purchase adequate learning materials for all
the learners, and specifically those that have learning disabilities. The schools should
also organize seminars for the parents as well as parent‟s meetings and insist to them on
the needs to get involved in their children education, even while at home.
A Research Thesis Submitted to the Department of Special Needs Education in partial fulfilment of the Requirement for the Award of the Degree of Master of Education at Kenyatta University, March 2021
Influence, Home and School Related Factors, Mitigating Reading Disabilities, Class Four Learners, Tharaka-Nithi County, Kenya