Participation of women in public administration in Somalia: the case of women in local government of Mogadishu

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Fardows, Hassan Musse
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This study seeks to assess the participation of women in public administration in Somalia using a case of local government of Mogadishu, 2002-2012. The study will analyze how women are recruited, their level of education and the responsibilities allocated to them. In addition, the study will examine the challenges encountered by women in executing their duties. The researcher shall use the descriptive research design. Target population of this study will be 1280 women working with the Somali Local Govemment in Mogadishu.The sample of study shall be 130 women representing 10% of the target population dra-wn from the 16 administrative districts in Mogadishu using purposivesampling method. Primary data will be collected using questionnaire method andsecondary data. The data will be coded analyzed and presented thematically into themes and sub-themes in reference to study objectives and research questions.To corroborate the research findings, dataanalysis and presentation will be enhanced by use of descriptive statisticssuch as tables, percentages, description charts, bar graphs, piecharts, histograms