Mass Killings and Personal Security in Ituru Region of Democratic Republic of the Congo (2008-2022)
Kambale, Mukokoma Eliphaz
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Kenyatta University
Citizens in a nation, are bestowed some inalienable rights and freedoms. Such include,
living in a society that honours freedom in political participation, prevention of
government repression, prevention of mass violation of human rights and prevention of
{hreats from militarization. But there are situations which hinder the achievement of
such and one is, organized murder of specific people in the community. Despite this
development, few studies have evaluated the effect of mass killings on personal security
in Tturi region of Democratic Republic of the Congo (2008-2022). This study sought to
examine mass killings and personal security in the Tturi region of Democratic Republic
of the Congo (2008-2022). It was guided by the following specific objectives:
analyzing the types of mass killings influencing personal security in Ituri region of
Democratic Republic of the Congo (2008-2022), assessing what influences mass
killings for it to impact on personal security in the Ituri region of Democratic Republic
of the Congo (2008-2022) and evaluating the best strategies to reduce the negative
influence of mass killings on personal security in the Tturi region of Democratic
Republic of the Congo (2008-2022). Using Institutional Anomie theory and Situational
Crime Prevention theory, this study sought to demonstrate influence of mass killings
on national security. The study adopted a cross sectional survey design, and was carried
out in Ituri region with the target population of all adult residents. A multistage
sampling technique was employed starting with the clustering of the regions in the study
area. Purposive sampling was used to obtain the administrative units to be studied.
Those who had experiences of the mass killings were identified through snowballing.
Questionnaire and interviews were used to collect data. Qualitative data was analyzed
thematically. While quantitative data was analyzed using descriptive statistics like
percentages, average and mean, and pie charts. The study found out that, types of mass
killings impacting on personal security in the Tturi region of Democratic Republic of
the Congo were, the killers invade villages and kill people inside buildings, killers
kidnapping for hostage and summary execution, killing of the opinion leaders
(journalists, politicians, human rights advocates etc) and lastly, killing of passengers in
the vehicles convoy, then burning of vehicles and goods. The study also found out that,
the influences upon mass killings for it to impact on personal security in the Tturi region
of Democratic Republic of the Congo were, mistrust between the government and local
community, political repressions, absence of a functioning state and its institutions at
the regional level and lastly human rights abuses. The study also found out that, the best
strategies to reduce the negative influence of mass killings on personal security in the
Ituri region of Democratic Republic of the Congo were, presence of a functioning state
and its institutions at the regional level, the armed forces and police forces reforms,
proactive approach to criminal events and lastly was law enforcement, swift and severe
punishment for criminal. The study recommended that, there should be efforts to curtail
and disrupt the modus operandi that the killers are using to invade villages, kidnapping
and killing people, there should be favorable mechanisms in DRC which can oversee
the continuous curtailing of systematic killings and that some of the positive and best
strategies, should be encouraged and nurtured to be part of the policing by the state
security agencies. The findings of this study will provide information that can be used
to inform policy and practice that can benefit personal security in DRC. It is also hoped
to stimulate the academic community and the government of DRC towards more
reseaych in the field, and for the formulation of policies that will improve the general
security of the citizens and investments in the country.
A Project Project Submitted to the School of Law, Arts and Social Sciences in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Award of the Degree of Master of Arts in Security Management and Police Studies of Kenyatta University, November 2023.
Mass Killings, Personal Security, Ituru Region, Democratic Republic of the Congo, (2008-2022)