Editorial: Addressing the Impact of Urbanization on Health and Well-Being in African and Asian Cities
Darko, Regina Akuffo
Mwangi, Jane
Wachira, Lucy-Joy
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This study aimed at determining PE student-teachers’ intention of including SWDs in practical PE lessons in
Ghana. The study involved student-teachers from two universities that train physical education teachers in Ghana. The study
used sequential mixed-method design with a sample of 152 level 300 student-teachers selected using the purposive sampling
technique. Student-teachers’ intentions, outcome of intention (behavioural beliefs and perceived control beliefs) as well as
predictors of intention to include SWDs were ascertained using the Attitude towards Teaching Individuals with Physical
Disabilities in Physical Education (ATIPDPE) instrument. The results indicated that student-teachers’ intention to include
SWDs was positive however they had anticipated fear rooted from the inadequacy of their training programme and perceived
fear of lack of support in terms of equipment and facilities for effective inclusion. Hierarchical multiple regression analysis
indicated that perceived behavioural control belief predicted 14.0% of variance in intention than behavioural beliefs did.
This study concludes that student-teachers have positive intention to include SWDs in their PE practical lessons. It is
recommended that university coursework in Adapted Physical Education and Special Education should be modelled in line
with inclusion principles and practices to help student-teachers to frequently reflect on their beliefs and intentions of teaching
SWDs in practical PE lessons.
Behavioural beliefs, Inclusion, Intention, Perceive control beliefs, Physical education, Students with disabilities
Regina Akuffo Darko, Jane Mwangi, Lucy-Joy Wachira, Intention of Including Learners with Disabilities in Practical Physical Education Lessons by University Teacher Trainees in Ghana, Education, Vol. 12 No. 1, 2022, pp. 7-15. doi: 10.5923/j.edu.20221201.02.