Role of the Kenya Police Force Strategic Plan in Addressing Strategic Needs of the Kenya Police College - Kiganjo
Awino, Phillip Ouma
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The KPF since its inception 1887 has been faced with greater demands for effectiveness and
efficiency.The force therefore developed its first strategic plan in 2004, the Kenya Police Force
StrategicPlan (KPFSP) 2003-2008 and a second strategic plan in the year (2008-2012) which
wereboth intended to cater for all management operations of the entire police force, including
thetraining colleges. However, one of the greatest challenges which the force has experienced
overthe years is inadequate.. .t.raining of its officers. This therefore questioned the role ofthe force ~'~':.',
strategicplan in addressing 'the strategic needs of the training institutions of the force and in
particularthe Kenya Police College- Kiganjo which is the main training institutions of the force.
Thepurpose of the study therefore was to examine the role of the PFSP in addressing the
strategicneeds of the college. The study adopted a descriptive survey design and study locale
willbe the Kenya Police College Kiganjo in Nyeri District which stands on 167 acres of land.
Thetarget population is 500 which consists of instructors, students, and administrators of the
Theliterature makes reference to main scholars, both classical and contemporary, and their
contributionto this particular stady- The data was collected by use of both opened and closed "'- ..\ -,
questionnaires,and interview schedules ..A'Sample of 30% of the total population was selected to
'. ,
fill structured questionnaire where the. researcher administered the instrument alone. Simple
random,stratified sampling and purposive sampling techniques were employed. The independent
variableswere Strategic plan variables whereas the dependent variables were the strategic needs
variables.Both primary and secondary data were collected and analyzed by use of both
qualitativeand quantitative methods and after analysis the result have been presented in
narrative,tables, charts and graphs form. The study significantly enriched the existing literature
onstrategicplanning in organizations and in particular the KPC - Kiganjo.
Business Administration