Inter-organizational information systems adoption by universities in Kenya
Waithaka, Stephen Titus
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Inter-organizational information systems (IOISs) are internet based information systems
that electronically link organizations together to automate information flows and
coordinate inter-organization activities between them. Kenya government, in
collaborationwith other stakeholders involved in enhancing teaching and research in the
learninginstitutions have constructed a terrestrial fiber-optic network that connects most
institutions of higher learning to enable them integrate their facilities for the purpose of
sharing resources. Despite these efforts, adoption of Inter-Organization Information
Systems (JOIS) by universities in Kenya is far from being realized. This begs the
question as to what determines lOrS adoption in the universities. This study fiIIed this
gap by analyzing determinants of Jors adopting in the universities in Kenya, given the
mixed results from empirical evidence on JOrS adoption generally. A broad
understanding of these factors is important to the policy makers who can embrace the
motivating factors to enhance the adoption of the Jors and suppress the barriers of its
adoption.A cross-sectional descriptive survey was carried out using both qualitative and
quantitativemethods and a census done on 68 universities in Kenya. Data were coIIected
usingboth questionnaires and semi-structured interview guide. University managers
providedthe required data. A logit regression procedure was used to analyze the collected
data.The study revealed that the lors adoption is low adoption in the universities in
Kenya, which was attributed to various factors. The public universities were found to
have a higher level of rors adoption compared to the private universities. Factors that
were found to influencing rors adoption were top management support, number of
personnel with rors skills, availability of internet infrastructure, number of satellite
campuses,perceived strategic ben~fits of the lors technology and perceived transactional
benefit of the lors technology. The study recommended that: top management in the
universitiesin Kenya should be educated on the strategic and transactional benefits of
IOIS in the universities, universities should have skilled personnel on lOTS technology,
universities should establish satellite campuses, universities should allocate more
resourcesnecessary for the improvement of the internet infrastructure and that the
governmentof Kenya should put strategies in place to stimulate universities in Kenya to
adoptthe rors.
Department of Economic Theory 159p. The HF 5456 .W3 2013
Bussiness enterprises --Computer network resources --Kenya, Bussiness information services --Kenya, Information resources management --Kenya