Risk Management Processes and Success of Projects: A Case Study of Kenya Power Company
Anyango, Olala Lorna
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Kenyatta University
The failure of several projects initiated by Kenya Power (KP) has been attributed to illegal
connection, inadequate power distribution, untimely completion of projects, and more
importantly inadequate utilization of risk management strategies. In the recent past, it has been
noted that some of the projects initiated by KP have stalled. Coupled with the fact that many KP’
projects have either failed to be successfully completed or failed to meet the set time frame is a
clear indication that a gap exists that the study at hand attempt to bridge. The study, therefore,
established the link between project risk management and success of projects at KP. The study
used four objectives; to establish the influence of risk identification process, risk assessment
process, risk response process and risk evaluation process on the success of projects at KP. The
study was guided by contingency theory, theory x and theory y, agency theory and systems
theory. The study utilized both descriptive and explanatory approaches. The target population in
this study was 231 staff located at the KP head quarter. The sample size used was 146 based on
Yamane formula. Questionnaires were used to collect data. The study used Statistical Packages
for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 20.0 for data analysis. Data was analyzed by use of
descriptive statistics and multiple regressions analysis. The output was presented into figures and
table formats. Regarding regression analysis, the study found that risk identification, risk
assessment, risk response and risk evaluation processes had positive relationship with the success
of KP projects. The study concludes that risk identification, risk assessment, risk response and
risk evaluation processes were practiced at KP, however, failures in projects was still evident. It
is recommended that KP project team should be adequately equipped with resources to
determine the timing of risks, all project team employees should be subjected to regular specific
risk management training and that the company should regularly and timely evaluate project
risks to promote projects’ success rates.
A Research Project Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Award of the Masters Degree of Project Management in the School of Business of Kenyatta University, April, 2019
Risk Management Processes, Success, Projects:, A Case Study, Kenya Power Company