Effect of Hydrogel and Mulching on Soil Moisture, Yield and Economics on Yellow Passion Fruit in Embu and Kiambu Counties, Kenya
Michoma, J. M.
Mugwe, J. N.
Korir, N.
Mwangi, M.
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Inadequate rainfall is a significant problem hindering the production of most crops in dryland
regions. The current study was carried out to assess the effect of selected soil-water conserving
interventions on soil moisture, growth, yield, quality, and profitability of yellow passion fruit. The
experiment was laid in a randomized complete block design (RCBD) at Kenyatta University
(Kiambu County) and Ugweri (Embu County). The treatments were: grass mulch, plastic mulch,
hydrogel 10 g per plant (49 g m-2
) + plastic mulch, hydrogel 20 g per plant (98 g m-2
), hydrogel 10 g
per plant + grass mulch, and a control (no hydrogel, no mulch). Results showed significant effects
of treatments on soil moisture, growth, and yield of yellow passion fruit at both sites. Hydrogel 10 g
per plant + plastic mulch treatment had significantly higher mean soil moisture than other treatments during all the sampling dates. The treatments: hydrogel 10 g per plant + plastic mulch,
hydrogel 10 g per plant + grass mulch, and plastic mulch, recorded the highest average vine length.
Hydrogel 10 g per plant + plastic mulch treatment had significantly higher yields than other
treatments during 46, 48, 50, and 52 weeks after transplanting (WAT) at both sites. Treatments did
not significantly affect the total soluble solids (TSS) of fruits. At Ugweri, hydrogel 10 g per plant +
plastic mulch and hydrogel 10 g per plant + grass mulch had higher net benefits; 2599.00 USD ha-1
and 2455.10 USD ha-1
, respectively. At Kenyatta University, hydrogel 10 g per plant + plastic mulch
provided significantly higher net benefit (3390.40 USD ha-1
) than other treatments. Based on the
results, hydrogel 10 g per plant + plastic mulch and hydrogel 10 g per plant + grass mulch are
recommended for yellow passion fruit growers in regions facing water scarcity.
Mulch, hydrogel, soil-water conserving technology, soil moisture, yellow passion fruit
Michoma, J. M., Mugwe, J. N., Korir, N., & Mwangi, M. (2023). Effect of Hydrogel and Mulching on Soil Moisture, Yield and Economics on Yellow Passion Fruit in Embu and Kiambu Counties, Kenya. Asian Journal of Agricultural and Horticultural Research, 10(4), 9-21.