Home-Based Challenges to Effective Implementation of Curriculum under Free Primary Education System in Nomadic Kenya

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Orodho, John Aluko
Waweru, Peter Ndirangu
Ndichu, Miriam
Nthinguri, Ruth
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This study explored the school-based challenges to effective curriculum implementation under the free primary education (FPE) system in Kenya. The study was framed by the constructivist theory. Convenience sampling was used to select a sample of 205 primary school teachers and employed mixed methods to collect and analyze data. It was found that despite the gains made in quality education since the launch of FPE in Kenya at the national level, there still remain pockets within Kenyan geographical regions which have remained behind in attaining effective implementation of curriculum, resulting into low academic achievement. The study established that the effect of school –based factors, especially human and infrastructural, when compounded with active and effective instructional techniques used by teachers , student motivation and school safety concerns significantly contributes to effective implementation of curriculum and enhance students academic achievement .It is recommended that strategies should be put in place to urgently address teacher shortages, reduce over-crowding in classrooms by improving school infrastructure, and enhance teacher professional development and upgrading mechanisms as well as teacher motivation via attractive terms of service and remuneration packages
Free Primary education Classroom practices, Teacher classroom practices, Curriculum implementation, Teacher professional development, Academic performance
Journal of Education and Practice www.iiste.org ISSN 2222-1735 (Paper) ISSN 2222-288X (Online) Vol.5, No.26, 2014