Capacity Building and Performance of Donor Funded Projects in Nairobi City County Kenya

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Kanyi, John Kiragu
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kenyatta university
Given the vast amounts of resources expended to donor funded projects and the challenges they are designed to address; it is imperative that they deliver their desired goals. However, this has not been the case as the challenges remain pervasive. This is attributed to a myriad of issues key among them lack of capacity among the project staff. This study therefore sought to assess how capacity building in three competence areas which were deemed to be among the weak links to performance of projects funded by donors in Nairobi County. The study evaluated how technical competence, managerial competence, and governance competence influenced the performance of donor-funded projects in Nairobi. The research was based on four theories: diffusion of innovation, transformational learning, resource dependency, and knowledge-based theories. Mixed methods design using a descriptive survey was adopted to meet the objectives of the study. The target population was 311 employees in 55 donor-funded projects which had been running for five years from 2014 - 2018. The research employed multi stage sampling where a proportionate stratified sample size helped identify 30% of the target population which was 94 employees who were then randomly selected. This study's primary data included both quantitative and qualitative information collected using a questionnaire which had closed and open ended questions. Statistical Product and Service Solutions version 23 software was utilized for analysis of the data gathered from the study. Descriptive statistics including frequencies, percentages, mean scores and standard deviation were employed in data analysis. Further, inferential statistics through multiple regression was used to determine the association between the dependent variables and independent variable. The study found that technical competence, management competence and governance competence had a significant influence on project performance. The study concludes that the existing capacity building initiatives are effective and thus their notable influence on performance of projects. The study recommends continued adoption of technology and democratic management style as well as putting in place strong governance structures.
A Research Project Submitted to the School of Business, Economics, and Tourism in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Award of the Degree of Master of Business Administration (Project Management Option) Kenyatta University
Capacity Building, Donor Funded Projects, Nairobi City County, Kenya