An assessment of work's environment influence in the call centre: a case of Safaricom Limited (K)
Macharia, Mercy
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Call centre representatives work in unique environments since they constantly manage customer interactions and are expected to adhere to strict targets .They are subjected to
high levels of monitoring and control resulting to high level of stress and absenteeism The aim of this study was an assessment of the call centre work environment influence on
absenteeism in Safaricom Limited call center. The specific objective was to establish the effect of task characteristics on absenteeism in the call centre, to establish the effect of work targets on absenteeism in the call centre, determine the effect of shift work on absenteeism, to establish the effect of the physical environment on absenteeism amongst CCR's and to determine the influence of absence management policies on absenteeism The population under study comprised of the 630 Call Centres Representatives (CCR'S) in Safaricom Limited Customer Management Department in Nairobi, a sample of 63 CCR's was drawn using stratified sampling. The study sought to assess work environment's influences absenteeism, specifically on task characteristics, work targets, shift work and physical environment and absence management policies. Shift schedule specifically adjusting well to shift work, and inability of the CCR to be able to enjoy other aspects of their lives could have an effect on absenteeism. Each respondent filled and submitted a structured questionnaire that was posted on the call center's intranet web page. The researcher used Statistical data analysis programme (SPSS,) to carry out data analysis to describe the relationship between the dependent variable (absenteeism )and the independent variables, task characteristics, shift work, physical work environment and absence management policies. Findings were presented by way of charts, graphs and tables. The research took duration of twenty two weeks to be completed.
87p. Department of Business Administration: The HF 5548.85 .M3
work environment, Kenya