Strategic Management Drivers and Performance of Level Four and Five Private Hospitals in Mombasa County, Kenya
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Healthcare quality for private hospitals in the
county has been a sharp focus and hence the
growth rate has declined at 5.2% in 2018,
3.5% in 2019, 2.3% in 2020 and 1.7% in 2021.
It is in this regard that the researcher seeks to
examine the effect of strategic management
driver on the performance of level four and
five private hospitals in Mombasa County.
The study was based on the following specific
objective: To determine the effect of strategic
technology orientation on the performance of
level 4 and 5 private hospitals in Mombasa
County, Kenya. To underpin the study,
survival-based theory and Deming’s theory of
quality management were used. The study
adopted a cross-sectional research design and
targeted 261 employees from top and middle
level management from eight level five and
four private hospitals: Mombasa Hospital,
Premier Hospital, Pandya Hospital, Aga Khan
Hospital, Jocham Hospital, Sayyida Fatima
Hospital, Avenue Healthcare Hospital and
AAR Hospital. The study used Yamane’s
formulae to determine a sample of 158
employees from the eight hospitals. The study
used structured questionnaires to gather
primary data from the employees which was
analysed using SPSS version 26, where
descriptive and inferential statistics was used,
and the results presented in the form of tables.
Before conducting the main study, a pilot
study was conducted among 16 employees of
level five hospital in Nairobi County to
examine reliability and validity of the
research instrument. Out the 158
questionnaires distributed 119 questionnaires
were returned. Strategic technology
orientation has an unstandardized coefficient
(B) of .653, with a standard error of .101. The
t-value of 6.465 and a significance level (pvalue) of less than .001 (.000) suggest that
strategic technology orientation has a
statistically significant positive impact on
hospital performance. Strategic technology
orientation emerged as a critical factor,
highlighting the importance of adopting
advanced technologies and fostering a culture
of continuous learning and innovation within
hospital operations. For hospital
administrators, the practical implementation
of advanced technology stands out as a
cornerstone for improving operational
efficiency and patient care. On the policy
front, recommendations include the
development and enforcement of
comprehensive quality standards for
hospitals. For hospital administrators, the
practical implementation of advanced
technology stands out as a cornerstone for
improving operational efficiency and patient
care. By incorporating electronic health
records, telemedicine, and digital health
solutions, hospitals can offer more accessible,
efficient, and effective healthcare services.
Additionally, adopting a patient-centered
approach is vital.
Nyungu, L. M., Wainaina, L. Strategic management drivers and performance of level four and five private hospitals in Mombasa County, Kenya. International Academic Journal of Economics and Finance, 4(3), 121-138.