East African Regional Trade on Poverty Alleviation in Kenya

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Kenyatta University
The study sought to investigate the East African Community regional trade on poverty alleviation with a focus on Kenya. The specific objectives were; to investigate the relationship between regional trade and poverty alleviation, to evaluate the effectiveness of regional trade strategies and to find out how the East African Community regional trade policies were alleviating poverty in Kenya. The study adopted Ricardian theory of comparative advantage, regional integration theory and classical theory of poverty. Descriptive research design was used targeting all 44 staff from the State Department of East African Community Affairs, 30 staff from Kenya National Bureau of Statistics and 743 traders from City Square Centre, Starehe Sub-County. Respondents were identified using systematic random sampling from a sample that included 39 staff members from the State Department of East African Community Affairs, 28 personnel from the Kenya National Bureau of Statistics, and 260 traders from City Square. The collection of primary data involved the use of a semi-structured interview guide. The instrument’s validity was assessed through content, face, and construct validity. To confirm its reliability, Cronbach’s alpha coefficient was calculated, yielding a value of 0.7. Data analysis included both descriptive and inferential statistics. Additionally, qualitative data, organized thematically, underwent content analysis. Ethical conduct was observed such as confidentiality and voluntary participation of respondents. The research identified a significant relationship between EAC regional trade and poverty alleviation. Regional trade strategies had a significant influence on poverty alleviation in Kenya. It was revealed that in Kenya, regional trade policies was significantly effective in influencing alleviation of poverty. The study made conclusion that EAC regional trade has a significant relationship with poverty alleviation in Kenya. It was concluded that there was a relationship between EAC regional trade and poverty alleviation in Kenya. The study recommended that Kenya should build capacities and create favorable environment for its population to enhance more exports into the EAC regional trade. A recommendation was made that there should be more accountability of public resources such as revenue generated from EAC regional trade for effective and efficient utilization in the building of public infrastructure and social amenities. It was recommended that there should be a review of EAC regional trade strategies to improve more trade in the area.
A Research Project Submitted in the School of Law, Arts and Social Sciences in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Award of Master Degree in International Relations and Diplomacy of Kenyatta University, October 2024. Supervisor Andrew Mung’ale