Physical activity level of students with disabilities in public and private universities in Kenya - a survey

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Bukhala, P. W.
Gathua, S.
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In this study, a survey of students with disabilities in all the six public and five private Universities in Kenya was carried out. All those registered with the office of the Deans of Students as having a physical or visual disability responded to the questionnaire. The results indicated that most of the students were physically inactive. They rarely engaged in any physical activity even though they were aware that exercises were important to them. They wished they could participate in recreational activities to improve their fitness levels and for pleasure. They were not aware of sports opportunities available to them at campus. They perceived a number of factors as barriers to their participation in physical activities. These include inaccessible facilities, lack of encouragement, lack of information and also lack of adapted equipment and facilities suitable to them. Such barriers as physical discomfort or medical problems were not perceived as limited.
A paper presented at the 1st East African regional conference on physical, education, sport, health recreation and dance hosted by Makerere University & Kyambogo University,13th - 16th December, 2001