Strategic Management Practices and Organizational Performance of Simbisa Brands Kenya
Mwimah, Emmanuel Magero
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kenyatta university
Despite the wide acknowledgement of the potential in strategic management to
enhance organizational performance, its application has allegedly posed various
problems to various organizations. It is therefore imperative to review its application
in organizations on a case-by-case basis for an in-depth understanding of what is
working or not working, in order to provide customized recommendations that
different organizations can adopt to maximize their benefits from use of strategic
management. With more firms (both local and international) continuing to venture in
Kenya’s fast food industry, Simbisa Brands Kenya faces stiff competition which is a
threat to both its market share and profitability, hence making strategic management
critical to the firm. Over the recent years, the firm has reported inconsistencies in its
performance. This necessitates the interrogation of individual strategic management
practices and their influence and performance of Simbisa Brands Kenya Limited.
However, there has been little attempt by scholars to interrogate strategic management
and its effect and performance of Simbisa Brands Kenya. This study therefore seeks
to critically review strategic management practices and their influence and
performance of Simbisa Brands Kenya. In particular, the specific objectives were to
assess the influence of environmental scanning, strategy formulation, strategy
implementation, and strategy evaluation and control and performance of Simbisa
Brands Kenya. The study was be anchored on Resource Based View Theory,
Dynamic Capabilities theory and McKinsey 7S Framework. Descriptive research
design was used. The unit of observation was Simbisa Brands Kenya while the unit of
analysis was management staff at the firm who. The target population will be the 130
management employees in the organization where a sample of 65 of them was
targeted. A questionnaire was used to collect primary data for the study. By its design,
the questionnaire was expected to yield qualitative and quantitative data. Qualitative
data was analyzed through content analysis where the major themes in the data was
identified and organized in line with the objectives of the study. The quantitative data
was coded and entered in SPSS program where descriptive statistics and inferential
statistics was computed to analyze the data. Findings were presented in tables, pie
charts and bar graphs. The study came to a conclusion that environmental scanning,
strategy formulation, strategy implantation, strategy evaluation and control influenced
organizational performance of Simbisa Brands, Kenya to a great extent. The study
recommended that the company should improve the utilization of diverse information
source and that company’s strategic plan should be more clear and it should be
updated on regular basis in order in tandem with the current market need. The study
also recommended that the company should evaluate and document the
implementation of its strategies and that there was a need to appraise its staff
performance on regular basis. The researcher suggested that further studies should be
conducted on other factors that affects fast food franchise that were not covered in this
A Research Project Submitted to the School of Business in
Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Award
of Degree of Master of Business Administration (Strategic
Management) in the School of Business Economics and
Tourism of Kenyatta University
Strategic Management Practices, Organizational Performance, Simbisa Brands, Kenya