Analysis of factors influencing effective implementation of home science curriculum in Kenyan secondary schools: a case study of Nairobi and Murang'a districts
Rombo, Dorothy Owino
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Kenyatta University
Home Science is one of the practical
subjects which recently acquired it's long
overdue emphasis in the Kenyan School CUrriculum.
Raising of funds for the construction
of Home Science Workshop is a common activity
in many Schools, both Primary and Secondary.
For some Schools it is an old subject which
has broadened dimensions in the 8.4.4 System,
for others it is totally new.
This Study aimed at analysing factors
that influence the effective implementation of
. )
Home Science Curriculum in Nairobi. and Muranga
Schools. Specifically the Study aimed at
fulfilling the following objectives;
Department of Educational Communication and Technology, 200p. 1989