Determinants of Information and Communication Technology Adoption by Small and Medium Enterprises in Thika Municiplality: A case of Selected SMES
Irungu, Gataua, David
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The adoption and use of information communication technologies (JeT) by small and medium
enterprises (SMEs) is a major step towards value creation in any economy. It has a major
strategic impact on the SMEs. The purpose of this study was to investigate determinants of JeT
adoption and use by SMEs in Kenya. This study was guided by the following three specific
objectives. First is to establish organizational characteristics that determine the adoption of leT
by SMEs. Secondly it is to investigate organizational environment that influence adoption of leT
by SMEs. Thirdly to investigate leT characteristics that influence adoption of leT by SMEs in
Kenya. The research design which was adopted in order to meet the objectives of the study was
descriptive in nature focusing on SMEs in Kenya. A sample of one hundred SMEs drawn from
Thika Municipality was involved in the study. Stratified random sampling technique was used in
this study. The study data was collected using a questionnaire developed by the researcher and
administered with the help of a trained research assistant. The data was analyzed through
descriptive, relational, inferential statistics with the help of the Statistical Package for Social
Sciences (SPSS version 17.0). This included calculating measures of central tendency and
standard deviations. Frequencies and percentages were used to describe and summarize the
data. Finally the researcher conducted a multiple regression analysis to determine the
relationship between the independent variables and dependent variable. This study will make
pertinent contribution to the existing literature and inspire managers/owners of SMEs, donors,
government and policy makers to come up with appropriate strategies on how to adopt JeT in
SMEs. The adoption of leT in Kenya is relatively low hence there are still many factors that
need to be considered other than the one investigated in this study. This includes benefits of leT
adoption by SMEs which influence adoption and other environmental factors such as politics,
economic and cultural factors that influence fCT adoption by SMEs.
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