Effects of workplace conflicts on performance of teachers in public secondary schools in Kenya: a survey of public secondary schools in Nyeri Central district
Mwangi, Mary Wandia
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Workplace conflict is a specific type of conflict that occurs in workplaces. The conflicts that
arise in workplaces may be shaped by the unique aspects of this environment, including the long
hours people spend at their workplace, the hierarchical structure of the organization,' and the
difficulties (e.g. financial consequences) that may be involved in switching to a different
workplace. In this respect, workplaces share much in common with schools, especially precollege
educational institutions in which students were less autonomous. The study sought to
examinethe effects of workplace conflicts on performance of teachers. The main objective of the
studywas to establish the effects of the workplace conflict on performance of teachers in public
secondary schools. The factors wider investigation were work relationship conflicts, task
conflicts, structural conflicts and the goal conflicts and how they influence the performance of
teachers.A review of literature was conducted so as to find out what other researchers had found
out on studies related to the topic. The researcher filled the gap by seeking the views of teachers
in Nyeri Central District on the effects of workplace conflict on their performance. The study
targeted a population of 292 respondents who are principals and teachers in the 17 public
secondary schools. Due to the large number of the respondents, the researcher used the
proportionate stratified random sampling whereby according to Mugenda and Mugenda (2005),
30% of the target population will be an ideal sample. This translated to 82 teachers who the
researcher then collected data from using questionnaires. The collected data was analyzed using
descriptive statistics and the data was presented in form of frequency tables, charts and graphs.
Among the key findings established in the study were that task conflicts had a major influence
on the performance of teachers (76%).The structural conflict was also found to have a high
influence on teacher performance (75%) Goal conflicts had a relatively low influence on
performance of teachers when compared to task and structural conflict(65%) while the work
relationship conflict the lowest influence on the performance of teachers(46%).The researcher
recommends that all the necessary efforts should be made to manage workplace conflicts by
enhancing communication amongst teachers, provision of necessary materials, as well' as the
provision of a well designed job design and that teachers should come, up with SMART
individual and organizational goals. The researcher further recommends that more studies should
be done on the strategies and mechanisms that need to be adapted to overcome workplace
conflicts in public secondary schools. '
Masters of Business Administration (Human Resource) 83p. MAY, 2013 LB 2970 .K4M82