Work Environment of Housekeeping Employees on Job Performance, in 3-5 Star Hotels in Nairobi City County, Kenya
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Purpose of the Study:The purpose of the study was to ascertain the influence of work environment on employees’ achievementin thehousekeeping department of chosen 3-5 star hotels in Nairobi City County Kenya. This was done to propose the most comfortable and satisfying work environment for hotel employees to put maximum performance that will outshine their competitors. Statementofthe Problem:Work environment is a major hospitality concern globally. It affects the hotel industry because it is distinct from other industries and also has its own culture. In Nairobi, Kenya, star rated hotels are linked to housekeepers’ musculoskeletal disorders, allergic reactions to chemicals and work overload. This is due to poor health and safety conditions, lack of adequate equipment and facilities, and harmony at workplaceMethodology: Descriptive surveywas used and qualitative and quantitative research approacheswere adopted.3 -5 starhotels were targeted and targeted respondents were top management and housekeeping staff. Data was collected using questionnaires and interview guideswhich were issued to 168housekeeping employees.Resultsof the Study:The study found that while most of the respondents had safe and hygienic workplaces, their jobs were not stressful and they did not work for long hours,some areas needed improvement like drainage blockages, old buildings compromising safety, lackof fire extinguishers in case of fire and inadequateenvironmental strategies in some hotels.Policy Recommendation:The study recommended that employee health and safety should be enhanced through initiatives like regular health check-ups, ergonomic adjustments, and proper safety training.