Employees Motivation and Health Workers Performance in Public Hospitals in Kenya
Nyaboga, Joyce Mosinya
Muathe, Stephen Makau
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Science and Education Publishing
Performance management in health sector is critical for access and quality health service delivery. Even
though performance has been considered in public owned hospitals in Kenya, the health sector has continued to
experience low productivity and missed targets. The health systems strengthening pillars identifies employees’
motivation as a critical factor in performance management. This study examined employees’ motivation on
performance of health care workers in public owned hospitals in Siaya County. The study objectives were; to
explore the influence of remuneration systems on performance of health workers, to find out the relationship
between work environment and performance of health workers, to assess the influence job recognition on
performance of health care workers and to investigate the influence of career development on performance of health
workers in public owned hospitals in Siaya County. Three theories were applied namely, Maslow hierarchy of needs,
two factor and equity. Descriptive research design was used, and census method was applied in selecting the study
participants. One hundred and fifty-nine participants were selected. Primary and secondary data collection methods
were applied. Data collected was tabulated, coded and analyzed descriptively through frequency, mean and standard
deviation; and regression model. The results indicated that coefficient of adjusted R2 was 0.832. This implies that
pay, job recognition, career advancement, and workplace environment accounted for 83.2% of changes in the
performance of healthcare personnel. The results also showed a strong correlation between health care professionals'
performance and employees’ motivation. The study concluded that employees’ motivation affects the performance
of health care workers in public owned hospitals. The study recommends that Siaya county government should work
together with salaries and remuneration commission to make sure that the health care workers are fairly
compensated and promoted in accordance with their academic accomplishments. Also, ministry of health through
national and county government should consider ways to create a safe, healthy working environment and increase
incentives for continuing medical
health workers, COVID-19, performance, employees, motivation, public hospital
Nyaboga, J. M., & Muathe, S. M. (2022). Employees Motivation and Health Workers Performance in Public Hospitals in Kenya. Journal of Business, 10(4), 180-191.