Instructional Methods Adaptation and Implementation of Competency-Based Curriculum for Early Years Learners with Disabilities in Primary Schools In Nairobi City County, Kenya
Owino, Clifford Otieno
Bunyasi, Beatrice A.
Kamau-Kangethe, Racheal W.
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A competency-based curriculum has been
adopted in the Kenyan education system. However, learners
with disabilities in regular schools would be learning using two
separate programmes, that is an inclusive education
programme and a competency-based curriculum programme.
Implementing the two programms simultaneously to this
category of learners could be challenging. Therefore, this study
focused on the instructional methods adaptation influencing
competency-based curriculum implementation for Early Years
Learners with disabilities in primary schools. The study was
premised on the theory of Complexity and Education by Davis
and Sumara (2006), which holds that the fruitfulness and range
of systems in which ambiguity and uncertainty occur, should be
embraced, and accommodated during evaluation. The
researcher employed a concurrent embedded design based on
the mixed-method approach in data gathering. The study’s
location was Nairobi City County, Kenya. The target
population was 368 participants and from this target, the study
sampled 16 heads of schools, 48 teachers, and 2 Educational
Officers who were the respondents. The instruments of data
collection were semi-structured questionnaires, an observation
checklist, and an interview schedule. The piloting of
instruments took place in one school with a special unit. The
instruments were only accepted as valid and reliable after the
results of Cronbach's alpha coefficient of r=.75. Data were
analyzed through descriptive and inferential statistics. In
addition, data were prepared and organized using Statistical
Package for Social Sciences into percentages, mean, Skewness,
standard deviations, graphs, and tables. The researcher tested
the hypothesis by use of the chi-square test at a significant level
of α =<.05.
Findings revealed that teachers with a high mean score on
instructional methods adaptation for learners with disabilities
also had high mean scores on implementation of CBC in a
regular class. Alternate instructional methods were lowly
employed for teaching learners with disabilities in regular
classes. Learners with disabilities were lowly accommodated
and achieved less during learning in regular classes.
Instructional methods were not adapted for learners with
disabilities during the implementation of a competency-based
curriculum for greater improvement in learning achievement in
regular classes. Teachers were trained in special needs, primary
teaching, or early childhood education and faced challenges in
the adaptation of instructional pedagogies for learners with disabilities to implement the competency-based curriculum in
the regular classes. The study provides information that will
influence policy and practice in implementing
competency-based curriculum among learners with disabilities
Index Terms— Instructional methods, Special Needs
Education, Competency-Based Curriculum, Early Years
Learners with disabilities.
Owino, C. O., Bunyasi, B. A., & Kamau-Kangethe, R. W. Instructional Methods Adaptation and Implementation of Competency-Based Curriculum for Early Years Learners with Disabilities in Primary Schools In Nairobi City County, Kenya.