Flood Occurrence and its Implication for Narok County, Kenya
Tonui, Charles
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Kenyatta University
Narok town in Kenya is among the most affected urban areas by the raging seasonal flooding in the recent past resulting to severe ill health, disrupted livelihoods, damage to infrastructure, deaths, injuries, and, and food insecurity. Although assessment has been done on causes, impact and mitigation measures put in place to manage floods in Narok town, there is still evidence of perennial floods and unprecedented impacts of floods. Therefore, this study, assessed the causes, impacts, organisational arrangement, and other aspects of management of floods in Narok town. The following data and information collection tools were used: household survey questionnaire, organisational survey schedule, and observation checklist. The secondary data and information was extracted from the review of literature, and government reports. The data and information collected was analysed using Statistical Package for Social Science and Excel sheet 2013. The results are presented in the form of graphs and tables. The significant underlying causes of floods in Narok town are rainfall and topography. The main native physical impacts caused by flood is soil erosion. The main biological impact caused by flood is loss of vegetation while the main social impact is the loss of life and property, loss of livelihood and displacement of people. The structural flood management measure largely used is the construction of gabions while the main non-structural flood management measure used planting of trees. The measures in place have greatly improved in reducing impacts of floods on socio-economic and biodiversity aspects. There are state and non-state organisations contributing to flood management through policies, legislations, strategies and plans, funding, training and coordination of partnerships. However, lack of clear policy and legislative structures, insufficient funding, equipment and staffing in relevant organisations limit the capacity to effectively mitigate impacts of floods. This study recommends a comprehensive assessment of root causes and impacts of floods; enhance building partnership; and integrated disaster management approach. There is need to study deeper interaction between factors influencing occurrence of floods and impacts of floods the effectiveness of specific structural and non-structural flood mitigation measures on each sector of economy vulnerable to floods. This research report contribute to scientific evidence and it may inform policy support towards sustainable implementation of integrated flood management strategy in Narok town and urban areas elsewhere.
A Research Project Submitted in Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Award of the Degree of Master of Environmental Planning and Management in the School of Environmental Studies of Kenyatta University, July 2021
Flood Occurrence, Implication, Narok County, Kenya