Policy design and implementation process in public institutions in Kenya the case of Kenyatta University
Mwenda, Patrick Gatobu
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Kenyatta University
The purpose of this study was to investigate policy design and implementation process at Kenyatta University. Policy design determines the success and failure of the policy implementation process. Consequently, effective policy design and successful implementation are among the factors that contribute to success in organizations. Research on policy design and implementation has shown that the probability of a successful policy outcome would be increased if, at the stage of policy design, thought is given to the potential problems of implementation. Among the objectives, the study sought to: establish the link between policy design and implementation process at Kenyatta University; establish whether Kenyatta University policies are in line with the accepted standards/parameters of policy making; and examine the impact of policy design and implementation process to institutional success at Kenyatta University. The study adopted a case study design and was purely qualitative. Both primary and secondary data was used for the study. Primary data was collected through indepth
interviews using a semi structured interview schedule, focus group discussions, evaluation of records used at the stage of policy design and documentary analysis of the actual policy documents. Secondary data was obtained through library research. Data analysis involved transcription of raw data from in-depth interviews, focus group discussions and notes from documentary analysis. Typed and transcribed data was then categorized into distinct themes. The themes were then coded systematically after which linkages and relationships among them were established. Data presentation was through the interpretative model. The final data was then used to summarize and draw conclusions on the research findings. The study established that: there is
an important link between policy design and implementation process at Kenyatta University; the three policies studied were designed in accordance with the accepted standards/parameters of policy making;the current success at Kenyatta University can, among other factors, be attributed to the policies designed and implemented in the Institution; and the system of designing and implementing policies at Kenyatta University is working and can therefore be proffered to other institutions.
A research project submitted to the school of humanities and Social sciences in partial fulfillment of the requirements for The award of the degree of Master of Public Policy and Administration (mppa) of Kenyatta University