Revolutionizing Learning through Online Assessment for the 21stcentury Learner
Mumo, Rosalia Mwikali
Mwangangi, Leonard
Warfa, Ahmed Osman
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Journal of Popular Education in Africa
Online learning is here to stay! It is replacing many traditional .classroom settings and is
changing the ways in which we teach. Students will be able to learn what they want, when they
want it, where they want to and how much they want, to learn Although educators at all levels
have embraced using online technology as a teaching tool, the issue of assessment of student
learning in an online course has not been thoroughly addressed. Although online instruction may
be more efficient, convenient, and flexible for both students and teachers, it must be stressed that
this technology should be used to facilitate teaching and promote learning. Online assessment
should be viewed as a system for evaluating student academic achievement. The assessment
process should be viewed as a system because there are many components to measure. Ryan
(2000) reminds us that the assessment method needs to match the level of desired demonstrated
learning. He believes that online assessment will require educators to modify their methods,
indicating that the development of effective and reliable assessment for online students may
require the greatest effort for innovation and departure from traditional practices. Teacher and
student interaction is a crucial component of assessment. The traditional classroom depicts the
teacher at the front of the room, transferring information to the students in the form of lecture or
notes. Online delivery also utilizes instructional notes, audio, video, and discussion. Draves
(2000) states that there is more interaction between and among students and the teacher with
online learning than with traditional instruction The purpose of this study was to examine how
online assessment is revolutionizing learning for the 21stCentury learner. It examined the
benefits accruing from online assessment, challenges associated with online assessment and the
possible solutions. The methodology adopted literature review using (SASA approach). The
study concludes that there is need for an urgency to ensure digital literacy among university
students so that learners can be taught and assessed online. It recommends that there is need
for Collaborative approach in e-assessment and that digital literacy should be prioritized in
learning/ assessment.
A Research Article in the Journal of Popular Education in Africa
Revolutionizing, Online assessment, Online technology, ,21st century learner, Traditional classroom, Digital literacy
Ndolo, F. K; Koech, P. K & Etende, H. E. (2022). Relationship between Science Process Skills Approach and Learners’ Self-efficacy in Biology in Secondary Schools in Makueni County, Kenya. Journal of Popular Education in Africa. 6(10), 17 – 27.