Automated Money Transfer Services and Customer Service Quality in Equity Bank in Nakuru Town, Kenya
Susan, Kinyanjui
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Kenyatta University
With the banking innovation of the technology of e-banking to enhance banking products
and service, numerous studies have been done focusing on its efficiency and profitability.
However, its effect on customer service quality is still misunderstood. It is accepted for a
fact that delivery of service in banking can be said to be efficient only when the
underlying operations are equally efficient. And such confidence in efficiency can only
arise in as far as the user‟s experience for these products and services has been evaluated.
The aim of the study was assess the effect of automated money transfer services on
customer service in Equity Bank in Nakuru Town. The study was guided three main
objectives, namely: to assess the effect of M-PESA, Electronic Funds Transfers, and
Automated Teller Machines on customer service in Equity bank. The study adopted
modernization theory and the innovation diffusion theory to understand the conceptual
issues. The research adopted a descriptive survey design and used simple random
sampling to select the sample size for Equity staff. And for customers and bank
employees in the customer service department, purposive sampling technique was used.
The study used a sample size of 379 respondents. Questionnaires were used to collect
data for the study. All the three money transfer services (Mpesa services, EFT and
ATMs) studied had a positive effect on customer service at Equity Bank. The study
recommended that commercial banks management should consider; tailoring their money
transfer options to the MPESA service option considering the fact that this was the most
preferred option due to its convenience and speed; raising customer awareness on the
advantages of the EFT money transfer service; and enhancing the quality offered by
ATMs money transfer service. The management of Equity bank will use such
information to gauge the effectiveness of automated money transfers as payment systems.
A Project Submitted to the School of Business in Partial Fulfilment of the
Requirement for the Award of Masters of Business Administration (Management Information Systems) of Kenyatta University