Project Life Cycle Management and Performance of Selected Mega Dam Projects in Kenya

dc.contributor.authorBongei, Michael
dc.descriptionA Thesis Submitted to the School of Business, Economics and Tourism in Partial Fulfilment of the Requirement for the Award of the Doctor of Philosophy Degree in Project Management of Kenyatta University June, 2024 Supervisors: 1. Paul Sang 2. Morrison Mutuku
dc.description.abstractPerformance of large projects including mega dams is strongly correlated to strict adherence to project life cycle (PLC) phases, while considering the risks such as displacement of people and natural ecosystem disturbance. Understanding these risks helps project managers and stakeholders make informed decisions thus creating a positive legacy for the project in the long run. The main objective of the thesis was to determine theiinfluenceiofiprojectilifeicycleimanagementioniperformanceiofitheimega dam projects in Kenya, moderated by risk management practices and mediated by technological innovationicapabilities.iTheispecificiobjectivesiincluded:itoiassessihow project initiation management, project planning management, project implementation management and project monitoring influences performance of mega dam projects in Kenya. The study was was founded on Theory of Change, Resource-Based View Theory, Agency Theory, Risk Management Theory and Diffusion of Innovations Theory. This study wasiguided byipositivistiresearchiphilosophy.iAidescriptiveicross-sectional survey research design was adopted. In this study the unit of analysis was 18 mega dam projects launched and completed across Kenya as listed under the Ministry of Water, Sanitation, and Irrigation (MoWSI) as at September 2023while the unit of observation was three officials (project manager, project engineer, geospatial engineer) in the MoWSI. A Census of all mega dams completed in Kenya was conducted. In addition, the study purposively interviewed 5 key stakeholders including the cabinet secretary, permanent secretary from the MWSI, donor, contractor and one randomly selected beneficiary from the community with the target mega dam. This formed a total sample size of 180 respondents. Primary data was collected using semi structured questionnaires as well as Key Informant Interview (KII) guide. Combination of quantitative and qualitative data from multiple sources and perspectives provided a more comprehensive and robust understanding. Questionnaire pretesting was done by a way of pilot testing to ascertain the validity and reliability of the tools. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used to analyse, summarize and describe the key characteristics of the data, as well as draw conclusions and make inferences. Based on the findings, the study concluded that project initiation management positively and significantly influences performance of selected mega dam projects in Kenya. In addition, the study concluded that project planning managementipositivelyiandisignificantlyiinfluencesiperformanceiofiselected mega dam projects in Kenya. Further, the study concluded that project implementation management positively andisignificantlyiinfluencesiperformanceiofiselectedimegaidamiprojects in Kenya.iBasedionitheifindings,itheistudyiconcludedithatiprojectimonitoring positively and significantlyiinfluencesiperformanceiofiselectedimegaidamiprojects in Kenya. The study alsoiconcludesithatiriskimanagementipracticeihasisignificantimoderating effect on the relationshipibetweeniprojectilifeicycleimanagementiandiperformanceiof selected mega dam projects in Kenya. Further, the study concludes that technological innovation capabilities hasisignificantimediatingieffectionitheirelationshipibetweeniproject life cycle management and performance of selected mega dam projects in Kenya. This study therefore recommends that project managers should give priority to project initiation management, project planning management, project implementation management, project monitoring, risk management practice and technological innovation capabilities.
dc.description.sponsorshipKenyatta University
dc.publisherKenyatta University
dc.titleProject Life Cycle Management and Performance of Selected Mega Dam Projects in Kenya
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