Economic Analysis of Indigenous Chicken Production: The Case of Smallholder Farmers in Makueni and Kakamega Counties, Kenya
K, Christopher Njuguna
Kabuage, Lucy W.
Bett, Eric K.
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International Scholars Journals
ndigenous chicken (IC) play a crucial role in addressing food insecurity in rural households. Smallholder
farmers rely on IC for income generation, asset accumulation and nutritional requirements. Indigenous chicken
products (meat and eggs) are preferred for their good taste, leanness and the organic nature of production.
Therefore, improving productivity of IC through rearing improved breeds would enhance commercialization.
However, information on profit and determinants of profitability among smallholder farmers in Makueni and
Kakamega counties, Kenya remained scanty. A total of 384 households were sampled using stratified random
sampling procedure. Primary data was collected using a structured questionnaire. Secondary data was
accessed from Makueni and Kakamega livestock offices. Gross margin analysis (GMA) and multiple regression
econometric model was employed using STATA 13. Results of the profitability analysis, showed that investing
in indigenous chicken production was profitable. However, rearing improved indigenous chicken (IIC) proved
more profitable with an annual gross margin of Ksh. 14238 and Ksh. 9824 per 100 birds for IIC and IC,
respectively. Flock size, farm size, group membership, access to credit and distance to the training centre
significantly influenced profits. Policies should prioritize on formation of social groups to encourage collective
action in IC production and marketing
A Research Article in International Journal of Agricultural Extension and Rural Development
Indigenous chicken, Credit, Ecotypes, Group membership, Flock size, Profitability.
Christopher Njuguna K, Lucy W.Kabuage and Eric K. Bett. 2017. Economic analysis of indigenous chicken production: The case of smallholder farmers in Makueni and Kakamega Counties, Kenya. International Journal of Agricultural Extension and Rural Development ISSN 3254-5428 Vol. 5 (5), pp. 564-570, May, 2017