Factors affecting marketing of timber by small scale businesses: a case of Kawangware and Kangemi-Nairobi
Wainaina, Elizabeth Wanjiku
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This study assessed factors affecting marketing of timber by small-scale business in
Kawangware and Kangemi.
In chapter one the researcher traces the development of the small-scale enterprises in
Kenya. The Introduction of structural adjustment policies saw many people being
retrenched from their previous jobs. This led many to found small-scale businesses. The
researcher has also reviewed Literature on various issues. This includes reasons why
people start small-scale enterprises, reasons why they do not grow and problems they
face. The researcher has also given objectives of the study, significance and scope of the
Chapter two gives a review of Literature. This includes importance of retailing and
marketing, type of timber and uses, availability of timber, availability of capital, government
legislation among others.
In chapter three the researcher gives the methodology used to achieve the study
objectives. The study was located at Kawangware and Kangemi. The researcher targeted
small-scale timber business. To collect data the researcher used interview schedules. The
data was thereafter analysed using descriptive statistics.
The result of the study show that small-scale timber business were being affected by
shortage of timber, poor quality of timber, complicated government legislation and in
adequate capital to cope with fluctuating timber prises.
The study concludes if these conditions persist the small-scale business will continue to
decline. It is however possible to reverse this trend if minimum measures are put in place
to ensure sustainable production and marketing of timber.
Department of Business Administration, 53p. The HD 9767 .K4W3 2005
Timber --Marketing --Kenya --Nairobi --Kawangware, Timber --Marketing --Kenya --Nairobi --Kangemi, Timber --Economic Aspects --Kenya --Nairobi --Kawangware, Timber --Economic Aspects --Kenya --Nairobi --Kangemi