Predictive Policing Efficacy in Crime Prevention by National Police Service in Nairobi City County, Kenya
Muthini, Faith
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Kenyatta University
Crimei prevention has been ani importanti areai ofi researchi focus.i Researchersi havei studiedi variousi approachesi toi crimei preventioni includingi communityi policingi andi predictivei policing.i Predictivei policingi havei beeni adoptedi byi manyi policei organizationsi acrossi thei globei asi thei newi frontieri ofi crimei prevention.i i Therei isi noi agreementi ini previousi researchi concerningefficacy of predictivei policingin crime prevention.i Thei studyi focusedi oni thei efficacyi ofi predictivei policingi ini crimei preventioni ini Nairobii Cityi County,i Kenya.i Thei objectivesi ofi thei studyi werei to:i assessi thei relationshipi betweeni datai qualityi ini predictivei policingi andi crimei prevention;i determinei relationshipi betweeni technologyi usedi inpredictivei policingi andi crimei prevention;i determinei relationshipi betweeni policei interventionsi ini predictivei policingi andi crimei prevention;i andi toi assessi relationshipi betweeni stakeholderi involvementi ini predictivei policingi andi crimei preventioni byi Nationali Policei Servicei ini Nairobii Cityi County.i Thei researchi wasi basedi oni Unifiedi Theoryi ofi Acceptancei andi Usei ofi Technologyi andi Neari Repeati Theoryi ofi Criminology.i Dependenti variablei wasi crimei prevention.i Thei researchi usedi descriptivei surveyi designi withi structuredi questionnairei thati wasi administeredi oni stratifiedi randomi samplei ofi 333i respondentsi drawni fromi targeti populationi ofi Nationali Policei Servicei (NPS)i ofi Kenyai ini Nairobi.i Thei targeti policei unitsi encompassedi thei Kenyai Policei Servicei (KPS),i thei Administrationi Policei Servicei (APS)i andi thei Directoratei ofi Criminali Investigationsi (DCI).i Primaryi datai wasi obtainedi fromi questionnairei responsesi whilei secondaryi datai wasi obtainedi fromi publications,i databasesi andi otheri secondaryi sourcesi throughi dataminingi approaches.i Thisi researchi used bothi bothi qualitativei andi quantitative techniques. Quantitativei datai wasi obtainedi fromi Likerti scalei ratingsi ini thei questionnairei asi welli asi respondenti demographici data.i Descriptivei statisticsi wasi usedi toi determinei means,i standardi deviationsi andi modei ofi responses.i Multiplei lineari regressioni wasi usedi toi analyzei relationshipi ofi variables.i Structurali equationi modellingi ofi relationshipsi wasi donei ini Statai softwarei versioni 14. Data was presented in figures, scatterplots, graphs, pie charts and tables.a Resultsi showi thati datai quality,i technologyi use,i policei interventionsi andi stakeholderi involvementi influencei crimei prevention.i Datai accuracy,i datai currencyi andi datai integrityi werei foundi toi havei significanti influencei oni crimei prevention.i Preformancei expectancyi andi efforti expectancyi ofi technologyi usedi werei foundi toi havei significanti influencei oni crimei prevention.i Policei interventionsi byi arrests,i awarenessi creation,i surveillancei andi patrolsi werei foundi toi bei significanti ini enhancingi crimei prevetion.i i Stakeholderi involvementi wasi alsoi foundi toi significantlyi influencei crimei prevention.i Thisi researchi wasi limitedi toi respondenti ratings,i datai oni actuali crimesi andi predictionsi wouldi givei greateri insightsi intoi thei relationships.i Furtheri researchi shouldi focusi oni usei ofi actuali predictioni datai andi actuali crimei datai toi bei ablei toi comparei opinionsi andi actuali practice.
A Research Project Submitted in Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Award of Degree of Master of Arts in Security Management and Police Studies in the School of Security, Diplomacy and Peace Studies, Kenyatta University, 2021
Predictive Policing Efficacy, Crime Prevention, National Police Service, Nairobi City County, Kenya