Analysis of challenges facing implementation of service delivery strategies among United Nations Agencies: a case of UNICEF - Kenya
Tegest, Bellete
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This project focused on key issues regarding the implementation of service delivery strategies in
UNICEF Kenya. A number of service delivery implementation problems were identified in the
project, which entitled financial constraints, logistical factors, human resources, political, social
cultural and technological trends, as well as poor collaboration with other organizations. The
purpose of the project was to clarify challenges of implementation of strategies and to identify
key variables for implementation. This study employed descriptive survey design on UNICEF
Kenya where primary information was obtained from a target population of top and middle
management that adds up to 34 individuals. For the study to be successful, both secondary
(Journals, websites, magazines, and periodicals) and primary data collection (questionnaire, and
interview) approaches were utilized to enable sound gathering of the required information and to
save time for analysis. The field data was analyzed through descriptive statistics and presented in
the term of tables.
The study found that all the six factors in the conceptual framework influence implementation of
service delivery strategies in UNICEF. This study concluded that challenges facing
implementation of service delivery strategies arise from shortage of financial resources;
influence of logistical issues; qualified human resources; level of collaboration within UN
Agencies, Government counterparts, NGOs, and International Organization; political challenges;
and socio-cultural and technological advancement. The study recommended that top
management's function should not only create conditions for service delivery strategy plan, but
also continuously monitor the implementation process so as to ensure harmony among the
influencing factors.