Determinants of Agro-Pastoralists’ Willingness to Pay for Improved Contagious Caprine Pleuropneumonia Vaccine in Kenya

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Ouya, Fredrick Ochieng
Bett, Eric
Nguhiu, Purity
Makokha, Stella
Lutta, Harrison
Abwao, Willis Adero
Mwirigi, Martin
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Springer Open
Animal health care is critical for livestock production especially in arid and semi-arid areas where majority are agropastoralists. Contagious caprine pleuropneumonia (CCPP) is a highly contagious and fatal disease which commonly afects goats in arid and semi-arid areas. The government has been the major provider of CCPP vaccine and few large-scale farmers who are licensed and able to purchase directly from the vaccine producer. Although the vaccine is sold to farmers at a subsidized price by the government, its distribution has been characterized by scarcity, irregular and late administration by the authority concerned. It is envisioned that if the willingness to pay for the CCPP vaccine among the agro-pastoralists was high, the sustainability for the vaccine availability and accessibility to everyone will be assured. This study was conducted in Kajiado and Taita Taveta counties where 323 households were sampled; thus, 276 households who were aware of the CCPP were considered for the analysis. Double-bounded dichotomous choice contingent valuation model was used to elicit agro-pastoralists’ willingness to pay for the improved CCPP vaccine with new attributes. The model revealed that of-farm income, membership to a group, previous experience on CCPP attack on goats and access to extension services positively infuenced households’ willingness to pay for the improved CCPP vaccine. The results implied that provision of extension services by the government through promotion of public awareness on CCPP and on the beneft of vaccination will motivate farmers to willingly pay for vaccination services. This can be done through enhanced trainings, seminars and demonstrations to the village level, encouraging formation of groups which facilitates information sharing between agro-pastoralists as awareness and knowledge can drive the demand for the improved CCPP vaccine.
Contingent valuation, Double-bounded dichotomous choice, Goats, Probability tree diagram, Willingness to pay
Ouya, F. O., Bett, E., Nguhiu, P., Makokha, S., Lutta, H., Abwao, W. A., & Mwirigi, M. (2023). Determinants of agro-pastoralists’ willingness to pay for improved contagious caprine pleuropneumonia vaccine in Kenya. Pastoralism, 13(1), 1-10.