Teacher-trainees attitudes towards physical education in Kenya

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Rintaugu, E.G.
Mwisukha, A.
Wanderi, P. M.
Bailasha, N. K.
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Academic Journals
This study investigates the attitudes of teacher trainees towards physical education (PE). It was hypothesised that teacher-trainees have negative attitudes towards PE. A total of 132 teacher trainees were randomly selected from a teacher Training College in Kenya completed a questionnaire adapted from Wear’s attitude scale with equivalent forms. Statistical analysis includes frequencies and the Chi square (X2) method which was used to test the hypothesis. A probability level of 0.05 or less was taken to indicate statistical significance. Findings showed that teacher trainees have positive attitudes towards PE, with non significant gender differences. It is recommended that conducive teaching and learning environment as well as resources should be provided for effective teaching of PE in educational institutions and that PE should be made an examinable subject in Kenyan secondary schools. This will facilitate compliance to statutory requirements and promote the status of PE in Kenyan education system
Publisher version (Academic Journals) Available online at http://www.academicjournals.org/ERR DOI: xxxxxxxxxx
Attitudes, gender differences, misconceptions, teacher-trainers
Educational Research and Reviews Vol. x(1xx), pp. xxxx-xxxx, xx xxxx, 2012