Project Management Capabilities and Sustainability of Passenger Terminals of Aviation Industry in Nairobi Metropolitan, Kenya
Ndamwe, Tsuma Simiyu
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Kenyatta University
Meeting passengers comfort is increasingly becoming a competitive factor for airports.
The goal of terminals is providing information to passengers, where and when they need
it. Each service point, from check-in through security check to boarding. The purpose of
an airport terminal is to maximize the efficiency of the inbound and outbound flows of
passengers. Automation and digitalization to adhere to rapidly changing regulations and
travel requirements are crucial to give passengers the confidence and control to travel
efficiently and reduce processing times to acceptable levels. Failing to keep pace with
demand will mean worsening congestion and the risk of delay in many parts of the global
airline industry. Jomo Kenyatta International Airport (JKIA) and Wilson Airport within
Nairobi metropolitan being the network hub in the region, have created substantial
impacts on the traffic handled by these airports. The importance of Nairobi metropolitan
airports is in their centrality as an origin and destination gateway to a surrounding region
and its intermediacy within the region as an interchange between different regions. This
implies that the upgrading and expansion of terminals as well as airside facilities was an
urgent requirement to meet the current demand and provide for future growth. The
interventions proposed were expected to increase the efficiency and capacity of the
airports and to hasten attainment of the Kenya Vision 2030. In June 2015, a new, fully
functional terminal building at JKIA became operational. Most facilities at the Wilson
airport have only had minor facelifts since the airport was put up during the colonial era.
The specific objectives of the study will be to establish the effect of stakeholder
participation and involvement, management skills, budget allocation and staff training on
sustainability of passenger terminals in Nairobi metropolitan. The study will utilize four
theories; resilience theory, stakeholder theory, program theory and instrumental. The
study will use descriptive survey research design by selecting staffs of Kenya Airports
Authority (KAA) at JKIA and at Wilson Airport. The target population will be 85 staffs
working for KAA, committee board members and managers. Stratified random sampling
will be used to select a sample size of 80 respondents. Pilot study will be conducted
where content and construct validity and reliability of research instruments will be
determined. Primary data will be collected by use of questionnaires. Descriptive analysis
will involve percentages and frequencies while inferential analysis will be done using
regression model.
A Research Proposal Submitted To The School Of Business,
Economics And Tourism In Partial Fulfillment Of The
Requirements For The Award Of The Degree Of Master Of
Business Administration (Project Management) Of Kenyatta
Project Management, Passenger Terminals, Aviation Industry, Nairobi Metropolitan, Kenya