Effects of Leadership Styles on Employee Performance: Case of Technical University of Kenya

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Otieno, Benard Nashon
Njoroge, Jane G
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Contemporary Research Center (CRC)
The Kenyan University system has been troubled with a myriad of challenges which have seen the national universities ranked poorly worldwide due to inappropriate leadership and administrative directives at the universities thus there was exigent need to carry out investigation into the leadership styles that prevalently affects employee performance in the universities. Therefore, the key object of the study was to establish the effects of leadership styles on performance of employees with reference to the Technical University of Kenya (TUK). This study was conducted based on three theories, the goal setting theory, situational contingency theory and the Transformational and Transactional theory. A population of 185 respondents from administrative, technical, teaching and support staff at the Technical University of Kenya was sampled by stratified random sampling technique to ensure objectivity and reduce biases. The primary data from the respondents was collected by use questionnaire through descriptive research design. SPSS was employed for data analysis to derive indices to test and ascertain the postulated connection linking the independent variable to the dependent variable. The results obtained from this noble study were judged against the findings of the previous studies to give empirical basis of much needed intellectual references of the research stance. The leadership styles under study were measured using the Multi factor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ) developed by Avolio and Bass (1995). To fit the context of the study, the MLQ was modified. Yousef (2000) scale was used to measure employee performance. Descriptive and inferential statistical techniques were used for data analysis. The findings showed that the most exhibited style at TUK is transformational leadership followed by the transactional leadership style and laissez-faire with autocratic being the least used. Employee performance is above average.
Autocratic Leadership style, Employee Performance, Laisses faire, Leadership style, Transactional Leadership style, Transformative Leadership style, University
Otieno, B. N., & Njoroge, J. G. (2019). Effects of leadership styles on employee performance: Case of Technical University of Kenya. International Journal of Education and Research, 7(6), 115-132.