Community Policing in Crime Management in Ongata Rongai, Kenya

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Okwoyo, Clifford Gichaba
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Kenyatta University
Community policing and crime management are two important approaches to reducing crime and maintaining public safety. The purpose of the study was to examine the effects of community policing on crime management in OngataRongai Sub-county. It specifically analyses the effects of public partnership on crime management; the effects of crime intervention techniques on crime management; and the effects of implementation of community policing organizational features on crime management. The study was based on the Broken Windows ‘Theory’ of Crime. The study used descriptive research design. This allowed collection of data on multiple variables at a single time point, which was then analyzed for correlation patterns. The population consisted of 300 Kenya National Police Service, 25 State officers from the Ministry of Interior, 10 Government policing agencies, and 50 stakeholders (from Religious groups Community-Based Organizations, civil society organizations, business community, the private security industry, the media, Non-Governmental Organizations, special needs groups, educational institutions, youth and women's organizations), making a total of 385 targeted people. The study used stratified random sampling. The study also employed both quantitative and qualitative techniques. The unit of analysis was the Kenya National Police Service, OngataRongai. The researcher obtained a list of commissioned police officers from relevant offices in OngataRongai. From that list 100 respondents were selected using the systematic random sampling. The study used questionnaires, guided interview schedules, telephone interviews and focused group discussions. A total of 3 Focus Group Discussions and 4 key informant interviews were conducted. Validity and reliability of the questionnaires were determined by conducting a pilot study in the adjacent sub-county of Ngong. To analyse and interpret data, the study employed both qualitative and quantitative methodologies. The major findings of the study include; the existing partnerships were not effective due to lack of trust and interest between the police and members of public to CP program in OngataRongai; the introduction of flood lights, mulika platform, marking/naming of streets, regular foot and mobile patrols, KaziMtaani Programmes, installation of CCTV Cameras and zoning of areas had enhanced safety and security by positively contributing to a decrease in crime; LEMELEPO, Ole Kassasi, and OngataRongai CBOs had assisted to bring down levels of crime. These were some of the key recommendations; The police should cultivate a culture of partnership with members of the public by identifying and striving to overcome the problem of long-standing mutual mistrust and suspicion; the government should ensure the police are equipped adequately with the necessary logistics, training, terms and conditions of service and facilitation to enable the them discharge their mandate effectively; members of public should be sensitised on the importance of having good relationship with the police and providing information concerning insecurity and other forms of crime; and lastly the government should create job opportunities especially to the youth to prevent them from engaging in criminal activities.
A Research Project Su9mitted in Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Award of the Degree of Master in Security and Strategic Studies in the School of Security, Diplomacy and Peace Studies of Kenyatta University, November, 2022
Community Policing, Crime Management, Ongata Rongai, Kenya