Stakeholder Engagement and Performance of the Antiretroviral Therapy Supply Chain Project by National Aids and Sexually Transmitted Infections Control Program in Health Facilities, Kenya

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Olwande, Cynthia Jennifer
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Kenyatta University
Cases of antiretroviral drugs stock outs, untimely deliveries, shortages and expiries continue to emanate from healthcare workers particularly in the pharmacy departments of antiretroviral therapy health facilities across Kenya. Every stock out of these drugs possibly contributes to the unnecessary and premature death of a child, woman or man somewhere in Kenya. Additionally, this brings about negative public opinion and image to the National Aids and Sexually Transmitted Infections Control Program, consequently lowering patient’s confidence in the program, that may affect their treatment. The current study therefore sought to examine the effect of stakeholder engagement on performance of the antiretroviral supply chain project by National Aids and Sexually Transmitted Infections Control Program in antiretroviral therapy health facilities in Kenya. The set objectives were: to examine the effect of stakeholder capacity building, human resource management, monitoring & evaluation and communication management on project performance. In guiding the study, three theories were utilized, namely; stakeholder theory, resource-based view theory and theory of performance. Both descriptive and explanatory research designs were employed to allow the data collection to respond to research questions, describe characteristics of study population and establish the causal relationship between the variables, respectively. A population of 541 pharmacists and pharmaceutical technologists across Kenya was targeted, out of which 229 were sampled using stratified proportional sampling. For efficiency and ease in data collection, an electronic questionnaire was used to collect primary data that was then analyzed using descriptive statistics like percentage, means and standard deviation. Inferential statistics including correlation and regression were used to test the relationship between the variables. Results revealed that stakeholder capacity building, human resource management, monitoring and evaluation, and communication management all had a positive and significant effect on project performance. It also implied that engaging the stakeholders by building their capacity to manage inventory, staffing, enhancing their use of appropriate monitoring and evaluation tools and systems and managing their communication, positively affects the overall performance of the drug supply chain in the health facility. The study therefore concluded that stakeholder’s engagement had a significant effect on performance of the antiretroviral supply chain project by National Aids and Sexually Transmitted Infections Control Program in health facilities in Kenya. Based on the findings, the study recommends that the National Aids and Sexually Transmitted Infections Control Program management should strengthen the aspects of capacity building, human resource management, monitoring & evaluation and communication management in antiretroviral therapy health facilities, particularly in the pharmacies, to improve the performance of its drug supply in Kenya.
A Research Project Submitted to the School of Business in Partial Fulfillment for the Award Of Master Degree in Project Monitoring and Evaluation at Kenyatta University, July, 2021
Stakeholder, Engagement, Performance, Antiretroviral Therapy, Supply Chain Project, National Aids, Control Program in Health Facilities, Kenya, Sexually Transmitted Infections, Control Program, Health Facilities, Kenya