Examining Interaction between Economic Marital Power and Marital Satisfaction among Tea Laborers in Muranga County, Kenya
Wangari, Samuel Mwangi
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Kenyatta University
Over the past decades, the shift on economic power dynamics in marriages has
significantly influenced marital relations. The traditional view of men as sole providers
and decision makers in the family has been challenged. The active involvement of
women in provision of financial resources has led to a shift in power dynamics in the
farnily. Considering the patriarchal African family system, the shift in power is bound
to have some impact on marital satisfaction. The study examined interaction between
economic marital power and marital satisfaction among tea laborers in Muranga
County. The independent variable was economic marital power and dependent variable
was marital satisfaction. The objectives of the study were to determine dynamics of
economic marital power, to find out experiences of marital satisfaction, and to examine
interaction of economic marital power and satisfaction among tea laborers. Assumption
of the study was that finances play a significant role in marital relationships. The equity
and gender role theories informed the study. Pilot study was carried out on twenty
participants ten male and ten female in a factory that was not part of the main study.
The study applied qualitative method and phenomenological design whereby data were
collected through focus group discussions and interviews. The target population was
married tea laborers in Muranga County. The sample size comprised of forty
participants who were purposely sampled for the study comprising of twenty men and
twenty women. Thematic analysis was used in analyzing the data qualitatively.
Demographic data was presented in tables and graphs while the rest in narrative format.
The research provides insights on the economic power dynamics and satisfaction in
marriages. The results on dynamics of economic marital power revealed that men have
more income than women. However, men are not the sole decision makers as
traditionzlly held but both husbands and wives participate in financial decision making.
On marital satisfaction, the findings show that having own income and sharing of
financial decisions enhances marital satisfaction. On interaction between dynamics of
economic marital power and marital satisfaction, the results show that husband income,
sharing financial decisions and saving money contribute to marital satisfaction. Married
women are overcoming patriarchal dominance by gaining economic power in their
marriages. This is because women are providing and making decisions in their
marriages. Marital satisfaction among married couples can be enhanced by encouraging
both men and women to earn own income and share financial responsibilities.
Limitation of the study is that data cannot be generalized to other populations. Future
research can be conducted on the dynamic of economic marital power and marital
satisfaction in high income couples, especially where wives earn more than the
A Research Project Submitted to the School of Law Arts And Social Sciences in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Award of the Degree of Master of Arts (Counseling Psychology) of Kenyatta University, November, 2023.
Examining Interaction, Economic Marital Power, Marital Satisfaction, Tea Laborers, Muranga County, Kenya