Importance Employee Retention and Organizational Performance of Public Universities in Nairobi County Kenya, a Theoretical Review and Critique
Ochola, Tobias Odhiambo
Muathe, Stephen M A
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Abstract: Public universities around the world and especially in Nairobi county Kenya have experience problems with
employee retention for decades. This is due to the ever growing numbers of private universities and listing of colleges to
universities by the Kenyan government which has seen a higher number of employees move from one university to the
next. The resultant effect has been that public universities have lost skilled man-power in the process. However, no
attempt has been made as yet to assess the effects of employee retention on organizational performance of public
universities in Nairobi county Kenya. This creates the need for the current study to assess employee retention and how it
relates to the overall organizational performance of the universities. Goal setting and expectancy theories will be used to
guide the study. Mixed methodology will be used to gather both qualitative and quantitative data. A descriptive survey
study design will be used to ascertain the influence of employee retention on the organizational performance of public
universities in Nairobi county Kenya. The target population for the study will be the permanent staff in public
universities. The sample size will comprise of administrators, human resource management personnel and university
lecturers. A questionnaire will be the main instrument used for data collection. Simple random and purposive sampling
techniques will be used to select respondents. Collected data will be sorted, coded and input into the statistical package for
social sciences (SPSS) version 21.0 for production of figures and tables to generate descriptive and inferential statistics.
All ethical and logical issues pertaining to research will be observed throughout the entire process of conducting this
study by the researcher.
Employee retention strategies, employee retention, organizational performance
Odhiambo, O. T., & Muathe, S. M. Importance Employee Retention And Organizational Performance Of Public Universities In Nairobi County Kenya: A Theoretical Review And Critique.