Project Dynamics and Performance of Fishing Project Funded by International Committee of Red Cross, Lamu County Kenya
Owese, Caroline Akinyi
Mutswenje, Vincent Shiundu
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Employment, economic growth, food for the
populace, and foreign and domestic money all
share a great deal to the industry of fishing.
Performance of fishing projects is key in the
growth of Kenya’s agricultural sector and by
extension the entire economy. Countries with
more developed economies, such as Spain and
China, have conducted the vast majority of the
research on the dynamics and performance of
fishing projects. Previous research findings in
Kenya reveal that although the fishers claimed
to be experiencing low fish catches due to
changes in climate, lack of advanced fishing
gears and vessels, fishing remained a major
livelihood source. Evidence of studies
showing the linkage between project
sustainability and performance of fishing
remains scanty, it is against this backdrop that
the goal of this project was founded to provide
strategies for improving the livelihoods of
Lamu fishermen such that they not only
benefit local residents but also significantly
contribute to Kenya's economic development.
This research aimed to analyze project
dynamics and performance of fishing project
funded by international committee of Red
Cross Lamu County, Kenya. Three variables
were identified, fisher men training,
monitoring and evaluation and fisheries
management. The study was anchored on the
following theories; Diffusion of innovation
theory, Classical fisheries management theory
and theory of change. An explanatory
research approach was harnessed. The study
population was the Fishing project funded by
International Committee of Red Cross.
Observation unit included 344 individuals
from Lamu and International committee of the
Red Cross. This research used stratified
sampling technique to sample selected Lamu
fishermen and management level employees
at Red Cross in Mombasa. Sample size
comprised of 185 respondents. Data from the
study was collected using questionnaires and
data from journals, books, published and
unpublished thesis.18 questionnaires were
used for the pilot testing that formed 10
percent of the total sample size. Reliability
and validity was tested. The results of Pearson
correlation revealed that fisher men training,
monitoring and evaluation and fisheries
management had a positive and statistical
significant effect on performance of fishing
project. The results support the conclusions of
prior research on the topic, while also adding
to our understanding of the relationship
between project dynamics and fishing project
performance. Organizations should think
about project dynamics to boost the efficiency
of their fishing projects. Thus, long-term
studies are needed in the future to investigate
the correlation between project dynamics and
costs of performance.
Project Dynamics, Project Performance, Fishermen Training, Monitoring and Evaluation, Fisheries Management
Owese, C. A., & Mutswenje, V. S. (2023). Project dynamics and performance of fishing project funded by international committee of Red Cross, Lamu County, Kenya. International Academic Journal of Economics and Finance, 3(10), 179-198.