Closeness as a mediator in providing and receiving social support on the social well-being of older persons in Kitui County, Kenya

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Mbuthia, Kezia
Mwangi, Samuel
Owino, George Evans
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Research on the social well-being(SWB) of older persons in relation to socialsupport provided and received has generatedconsiderable amount of scholarly debate.Social support received or provided has beenfound in literature to produce mixed effects(positive and negative) on SWB, necessitat-ing further research. The current study pro-vides Kenyan evidence to a corpus ofresearch mostly focused on European andAmerican studies, contributing to the currentdiscussion on SWB. Thus, the aim of thepresent study is to investigate how closenessto close network members (CNM) influencesolder persons’ satisfaction with social sup-port provided and received. The study adopt-ed a descriptive cross-sectional study designand mixed methods approach. Chi-squareanalyses were conducted, and the resultsrevealed that there was a significant relation-ship between closeness and satisfaction withproviding social support with exact P valueof 0.002. In addition, there was a significantrelationship between closeness and satisfac-tion with received social support with exactP value of 0.000 (P<0.05). The researchhighlights that closeness to CNM enhancesSWB when older persons provide or receivesocial support
Close network members, social well-being, providing social support, receiving social support
Mbuthia, Kezia & Mwangi, Samuel & Owino, George Evans. (2022). Closeness as a mediator in providing and receiving social support on the social well-being of older persons in Kitui County, Kenya. Geriatric Care. 7. 10.4081/gc.2021.10293.