Transformational Leadership and Organizational Performance of Kenya Airports Authority, Nairobi City County
Abwao, Bethsheba Aloo
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Kenyatta university
Kenya Airports Authority (KAA) has been experiencing poor performance in terms of
decreased profits, reduced efficiency owing to a decrease in pre-profit tax and cargo
throughput and an increase in operating expense in 2016. Therefore, despite changes
in leadership and the adoption of transformational leadership, KAA is still performing
poorly. The researcher looked into effect of transformation leadership on KAA
organizational performance. Specifically, researcher examined1how idealized1effect,
inspirational1motivation, individualized1consideration and intellectual stimulation
influences organizational1performance in KAA. This study used path goal theory and
transformational leadership theory. Descriptive1research1method1was deployed. The
study’s population was1made of all 167 employees from 9 departments in KAA
headquarters whereby 50% of the study population was chosen by employing
stratified1random1sampling which meant that the study’s sample was made of 84
staff. Primary data1was acquired by1employing semi-structured questionnaires.
Moreover, content1validity1was facilitated by use of experts’ opinions known in the
area of study but more importantly opinion of the research supervisors was sought. On
the other hand, face1validity1of the study tool was facilitated1by1use1of pilot study
and indefinite or unclear query was changed. Measuring of the research instrument
internal consistency was employed to prove research tools’ reliability using Cronbach
Alpha, where a higher value indicates greater reliability, with coefficients above 0.8
being considered good reliability. The research tool led to the collection of
quantitative and qualitative data. Inferential as well as descriptive statistics helped in
quantitative data analysis. Further, assistance of SPSS v21 was used.
Descriptive1statistics included frequencies, standard1deviation, mean and percentages
and findings were given in figures and tables. Qualitative data analysis was done with
the assistance of thematic1content1analysis. To enhance research credibility, the
researcher addressed ethical issue to avoid plagiarism, obtaining voluntary
participation, and acquiring necessary research permits. The findings were given
in1narrative form. The relationship that exists between depended variable and
independent variable was determined using multiple regression as well as correlation
analysis. According to the study, idealized1influence, individualized consideration,
intellectual1stimulation and inspirational1motivation have1significant effect on
organizational1performance in KAA. The study recommends that the management
ought to encourage and support innovation and creativity among the employees since
it facilitates problem solving and team work, increases staff morale and productivity.
Moreover, the management ought to provide more incentive programs such as
flexibility in work arrangements, retirement plans, sick leave and paid time off among
others which motivates the employees. Additionally, the management should involve
employees at all level of decision-making because it encourages high devotion among
the workforce, increases employees’ morale who as a result perform at their best on
individual level.
A Research Project Submitted to the School of Business,
Economics and Tourism in Partial Fullfillment for the
Award of Degree in Masters of Business Administration
(Strategic Management) of Kenyatta University
Leadership, Organizational Performance, Kenya Airports Authority, Nairobi City County