Human resource management practices influencing the implementation of total quality management programs in manufacturing firms in Nairobi County.
Njoroge, Paul Thumbi
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The increasing competitiveness In the market place and the rapidly changing business
environment demand a shift towards implementation of total quality management (TQM)
programs in organizations. To achieve the objectives of quality management requires the synergy
and congruence between human resource management (HRM) practices and TQM programs.
The HRM system plays a critical role in the implementation of TQM programs. Manufacturing
firms in Kenya have been at the forefront in the implementation of TQM programs. However,
many of these firms have failed in the implementation of the programs because they have not
adopted human resource management practices that are supportive of the TQM programs. The
objective of this study, therefore, was to investigate the human resource management practices
influencing the implementation of total quality management programs in manufacturing firms in
Nairobi County, which are, registered with Kenya association 'of manufacturers (KAM). The
study targeted a population of 501 manufacturing firms which are registered with KAM and are
located in Nairobi County and the surrounding regions. A sample size of 100 firms which is 20
per cent of the population was selected through a stratified random sampling method. Primary
data was obtained through self-administered questionnaires. One respondent from each firm
completed the questionnaire. The respondents were human resource managers of the targeted
firms. The secondary data was obtained mainly from books, journals, and publications. The
collected data was summarized and presented in form of tables, charts, graphs, percentages, and
frequencies. The research adopted a descriptive research design which utilized descriptive and
inferential statistics for effective generation of results. The statistical package for the social
sciences (SPSS) was used to analyze the data. A Crobanch's alpha coefficient of >0.8 was
achieved for the internal consistency of the research instrument. The study revealed that
manufacturing firms had implemented TQM programs to moderate level. Human resource
practices were found to have positive significant correlation with TQM programs with a mean
correlation coefficient of 0.734 at significance level P < 0.01. The study established that there
was need to align the human resource practices to the implementation of TQM programs
Department of Business Administration, 106p. 2013, HF 62.15 .N43