Progress towards attainment of Education for All (EFA) among Nomadic Pastoralist: Do Home-based Variables make a Difference in Kenya
Orodho, John Aluko
Waweru, Peter Ndirangu
Getange, Kennedy Nyambeche
Miriti, J. M.
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The purpose of this study was to analyze home-based factors inhibiting access and participation in basic education among vulnerable groups in Garissa County, Kenya. The study was framed by a household production function approach that typically assumes that postulates that household schooling decisions are explained by the interaction of social, cultural, and economic factors working through power relations within the household. The study used a sample of 45 students selected by convenience sampling from undergraduate and postgraduate students undertaking their school-based studies at Kenyatta and Mount Kenya universities residing or teaching in Carissa County, Kenya during the 2012/203 academic year. The study used mixed methods to collect and analyze the data. It was found that despite the gains in access and equity since the launch of FPE and FDSE in Kenya at the national level, there still remain pockets within Kenyan communities, especially Carissa County which has remained unreached for a host of reason including home-based factors. The major reasons were the low educational level of the heads of households, household poverty, retrogressive cultural practices, and low premium attached to education. It is concluded that home-based factors make a significant difference in efforts to achieve EFA among nomadic pastoralists .It is recommended that :all other user charges that have been sneaked into the current FPE and FDSE should be removed; enhance the school security by advocating for peaceful conflict resolution; create a conducive learning environment through peace education and education in emergency; reverse most of the retrogressive socio-cultural practices through civic education as well as mass advocacy and appropriate legal measures as stipulated in the Basic Education Act 2013; amongst others.
Home-based factors, Access, Participation, equity, quality of Basic Education, Nomadic pastoralists, multiple approaches, Education for All
Research on Humanities and Social Sciences Vol.3, No.21, 2013