Physical activity and mortality among aged person

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Wamukoya, E. K.
Mwisukha, A.
Thwagi, M. J.
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Kenyatta University
Aging is unavoidable for every human being. It is a process that brings about physiological, physical and mental decline, which in turn leads to health and related life-threatening problems for lite aged people. The decrease and eventual loss of functional capacity associated with aging is a factor of concern that must be adequately addressed if the lives of the people are to be enhanced and prolonged. Aged persons need to be f' guided against leading reckless and inactive lifestyles that enhance their degeneration processes and thereby shorten their lives. They require information on how to improve their chances of living long and healthy lives, It is important for them to know that they can prevent, delay, lessen .and even reverse the effects of the degeneration through suitable health habits, and especially by involving themselves in suitable physical activity.
A paper presented at the 2nd East Africa Regional pre-games scientific conference on sport and physical education for greater cooperation in eastern Africa held on 18th - 19th November 2004 at Kenyatta University