Influence of Organization’s Structure and Culture on Implementation of Strategies in Constituency Development Fund Board in Kenya
Kinyua, Godfrey M.
Njoroge, Jane G.
Wanyoike, Rosemarie W.
Kiiru, David M.
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Contemporary Research Center
This paper investigates the influence of organization structure and culture on
implementation of strategies in Constituency Development Fund Board in Kenya.
The study adopted descriptive correlational survey design which is considered
suitable for obtaining systematically factual information and determining whether
or not a relationship exists between quantifiable variables and the strength of such
a relationship. The target population for this study comprised the employees of the
CDF Board. However, a sample was drawn from the population which comprised
of the fund managers of the 132 constituencies selected through stratified random
sampling together with the 6 heads of departments and 8 regional coordinators
formed the sample size of 146 employees from the study population. Information
for this study was collected using both primary sources of data that was collected
using questionnaires. The questionnaires were mailed to the target respondents
and follow-up calls were made later. The data collected was edited, coded,
classified, and tabulated to make it amenable to analysis. The response rate in this
study was approximately eighty four percent which was considered sufficient for
making inferences and drawing conclusions. Quantitative data was analysed using
descriptive and correlation inferential statistics. Descriptive statistics included
percentages, frequencies, means, and standard deviations while inferential statistics
involved correlation analysis. The findings of the study established that
organization structure and culture have positive influence on strategy
implementation. Management of Constituencies Development Fund should
decentralize decision making and eradicate duplication of roles as well as minimize
the reporting levels.The board should also provide adequate resources for capacity
building in order to reduce employees' resistance to strategy implementation
Research Article
Organizational Factors, Organizational Structure, Organizational Culture, Strategy Implementation
International Journal of Education and Research Vol. 3 No. 11 November 2015