Fitness Programming for Expectant and Breastfeeding Mothers
Wabuyabo, Issah K.
Mse, E.
Mwihaki, M.
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Kenyatta University
Whether or not and how physical activity affects women
reproductive health has been a controversial issue for many
decades. Before 1985 there were no medical guidelines for
exercise during pregnancy and the traditional medical view was
to advice pregnant women not to exercise at all Since then much
research on the relationship between pregnancy and
childbirth has led to the current view that exercise during
pregnancy often benefits the mother and possibly the fetus as
well. The medical profession and the society in general
prevented from participating in sporting activities because it
might compromise their potential as future mothers. For instance
jumping was cautioned against as it was thought it was capable
of displacing the womb and cause reproductive abnormalities.
Up to 1992 women would not participate in triple jump at the
The medical profession and the society were basing their
argument on myths and theories. Modern medicine appreciates
that both expectant and breast-feeding mothers need exercise for
good health. The purpose of this paper is to give guidelines for a
fitness programme for expectant and breastfeeding mothers.
6th Biennual Scientific Conference of the Africa Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, Sport and Dance(AFAHPER-SD)Kenyatta University Nairobi Kenya from Wednesday 9th-friday 11th November 2005.
Reproductive health, Expectant mother, Breastfeeding, Physical activity