A survey of the information services provided by the Kaimosi teachers college's learning resource centre to teachers advisory centres in Hamisi division, Kakamega.
Makokha, Jas Amwayi
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This study traces the origins~ development and the
objectives of learning resourcecentres and teachers advisory
centres in Kenya. It investigates whether these centres
meet their stated objectives and the problems they encounter
in Hamisi Division of Kakamega District, particularly in
providing for the information needs of their clients.
The investigation was done through questionnaires,
interViews, discussions and observation of the centres.
The findings are that 5 (100%) of the TAC tutors
neithe~ find the material in the LRC sufficient enough
to meet their information needs nor do these materials
meet the information demands of the schools and the local
community in Hamisi Division. As such only 5 (16%) of the
teacher population under the study visit TACs to borrow
resources and 24(89%) of them have difficulties in
accessing the information at TACs.
Hence 17(63%) of the respondents rated th~ TACs as
usel~ss in terms of their ability to provide resources and
information support to them. On the other hand, 4(67%)
of the local residents did not know how to rate the TACs
in terms of their usefulness in providing information
services to them while 2(33%) rated them as being useless.
None (0(0%) rated them as either being useful or very useful.
Based on these findings, conclusions have been
drawn and recommendations made towards the improyement
of the information services provided by these institutions .
Master of Education (P.T.E.) OF Kenyatta University, 112p.1990, Z 675.P3M3