To investigate social marketing strategies used by organisations involved in fighting HIV/AIDS amongst the youth in Kenya

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Kiogora, Emma Kajuju
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Social marketing is a fairly new discipline in marketing used to promote behaviour change and was introduced in Kenya by Population Services International (PSI) for family planning campaigns in 1990 (PSI, 2010). Though new, it has brought tremendous changes in water sanitation, fighting malaria and drug abuse among other social ills. This paper investigates social marketing strategies used by organizations involved in fighting HIV/AIDS amongst the youth in Kenya. 'The study was guided by the following objectives; to find out the strategies employed by social marketing organizations fighting HIVIAIDS, to identify other related areas targeted by social marketers in fighting HIV/AIDS, to establish how effective social marketing is in fighting HIVIAIDS amongst the youth in Kenya and to identify the challenges encountered by social marketers in fighting HIV/AIDS through promoting behaviour change .The study adopted a descriptive design which helped to explain the strategies used by the social marketing organizations involved in fighting HIV/AIDS and the challenges they face. The research was carried out in 20 social marketing organizations dealing with HIV/AIDS, situated in Nairobi province. Nairobi is where most social marketers are situated. The expected number of respondents was 60 but only 54 responded, the other six did not return the questionnaires. Questionnaire was issued to 60 respondents, 3 from every organization.
Department of Business Administration, 73p. The HF 5415 .K52 2011