Electronic Document Management Information System on Perfomance of Orthodox Tea Project in Kenya Tea Development Agency in Kenya

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Mwarangu, Martin
Sang, Paul
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Research Publish Journals
The study aimed at determining the effects electronic document management information system on performance of orthodox tea project in Kenya tea development agency in Kenya. The study focussed on orthodox tea project that was implemented by the KTDA head office in the three KTDA managed factories that were Kangaita, Mununga and Kimunye Tea factories. The study used descriptive research design to acquire detailed and in-depth analysis for the study. The target population comprised 430 respondents from management, designated staff and non-designated workers of KTDA head office and in the three KTDA managed tea factories. Sample size of 131 respondents was selected which represented 30% of the target population. The study adopted multistage sampling method. These involved subdividing the target population into head office and tea factories, then stratifying according to the position one holds in the organization. Simple random sampling was used to select the respondents from each stratum. Primary data was collected using questionnaire that had both closed and open ended questions. The data collected was analyzed using descriptive statistics. The study concluded electronic document management system (EDMS) and automated fleet management system (AFMS) had greatly improved the performance of orthodox tea project in KTDA. The study recommends that the organization should train its employees on its Management Information Systems as well facilitate them with the appropriate facilities and support. Organizations should ensure the MIS systems adopted are relevant to the organization need and there is effective internet connectivity to enhance sharing of information.
Project Performance, Electronic Document Management Information System