Learning conditions and students’ characteristics that enhance Effective Teaching and Learning of Biology in Secondary Schools in Migori District, Kenya
Owiti, Eunice Atieno
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Merit Research Journals
Biology is a very potent tool for social and economic changes in the
contemporary world. However, students constantly display low achievement
in the subject at KCSE level countrywide and majorly in Migori district.
Learning environment and students’ characteristics are important focus of
national and local policy. Reforms and actions aim to promote quality
teaching, learning and achievement both at school level and nationally. In
order to tailor policies and interventions to the needs of different
stakeholders and to improve the learning conditions of students, it is
important to understand comprehensively what is happening in the
classroom and school environments in general. This study aimed at
contributing to this knowledge base. The study employed a descriptive
survey design and a sample size of 28% and three hundred and eighty five
(385) respondents. The research instruments used included questionnaires
for Biology teachers and students, interview schedules for principals and
District Education Officer and observation checklists for theory and
practical lessons. The theoretical framework of the study was based on the
knowledge that conducive learning environments lead to prediction and
control over performance and learning. The data was analyzed using
descriptive statistics; frequencies and percentages were used to describe
the findings according to the various variables under study. The findings of
the study established congested and crowded classrooms to be one of the
major factors contributing to poor achievement in Biology in Migori district.
Therefore, the following recommendation was made; school administration
to provide for the resources and facilities in the school budgets, seminars,
workshops, and other in-service courses should be intensified by the
Ministry of Education to encourage Biology teachers’ creativity and
innovation in teaching and consistency in the use of resources.
A research paper published in Merit Research Journal of Education and Review
Achievement, Enhance, Entry behavior, Environment, Instruction, Learning conditions, Peer influence
Merit Research Journal of Education and Review. Vol. 3(5) pp. 200-207, May, 2015